The “Unfriend Me Now” Culture on Social Media Needs a Serious Second Look

jsncruz Angry Man-min

I have observed a behaviour on social media (specifically, on Facebook) that should be worrying us: the Unfriend Me Now call-out. Not only is it silly and impractical, it's self-limiting and potentially dangerous, too. Opinion homogeneity isn't good. Here's how it usually happens, based on what I've observed on my own Facebook feed: Person A … Continue reading The “Unfriend Me Now” Culture on Social Media Needs a Serious Second Look

Why Staying Where You Are is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your Career

jsncruz Looking at Time

One to two years. This is the new 'normal', it seems, when it comes to the length of time that people in my generation are staying in their jobs. While there are certain reasons (I can name three off the top of my head) why moving on after a year or two is "okay", I … Continue reading Why Staying Where You Are is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your Career